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Wound Care With Saniderm

Did you know that medical studies have shown that wet healing is the best practice for wound care?

When it comes to healing minor wounds and abrasions, it’s common practice to keep the wound dry and uncovered. The idea is that keeping the wound dry will help it scab over and heal faster. However, it turns out that wound healing is actually more efficient when healed with a wet healing method.

What is dry healing?

Dry healing was the early form of wound healing for many, many centuries. Long before bandages and wraps were created, dry healing seemed to be the most logical method for caring for a wound. In this case, the wound essentially appeared to heal itself. With exposure to open air, the body releases a plasma fluid which dries, hardens, and forms an exoskeleton of sorts.

In layman’s terms, a scab.

Scabs do heal the body; however, they do so slowly and usually leave behind an intensive scar.

What is wet healing?

The Ancient Egyptians were among the first to realize that dry healing wasn’t the most efficient way to heal a wound. Through utilizing a handful of materials, they began treating wounds by keeping the wound bed moist and began noticing startling differences in the body’s ability to heal itself. They found that wet healing promoted a faster healing time and greatly decreased scarring.

Since then, medical advances have come a long way. As have our understanding of how the body works. Now, we are well aware that the body’s plasma fluid actually possesses greater healing properties when kept in its original form. When moist, cells can grow, divide, and migrate at an amplified frequency. It is believed that, in optimal conditions, wet healing can speed up the healing process by approximately 50%.

How Saniderm Helps in Wound Care:

When applied to a minor wound or abrasion, Saniderm prevents the formation of scabs by providing optimal healing conditions. Simultaneously, Saniderm prohibits the introduction of foreign contaminants and bacteria into the wound—minimizing the risk of infection.

In addition to cosmetic perks due to the reduced scarring, using Saniderm to prevent scabbing increases mobilization during the healing process. It is especially useful in high movement areas as there is no worry of the wound reopening with physical activity or movement.

Overall, practicing the wet healing method with Saniderm may help you heal your wound with ease. For non-tattoo wound healing, consult a medical professional before using Saniderm.

For more information about how Saniderm works and how to apply the product, visit our Knowledge Base.

Updated on January 16, 2023
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